Sunday, January 8, 2012

Informative Instructional Design Blogs

The Ed Tech Guy: Technology in Education – This blog was created by Scott Ford. Scott has a Master’s in education and works as an adjunct professor at Northern Virginia (NOVA) College and is a Senior Instructional Designer for the U.S. Government. In his blog he states that education is truly one of the great equalizers in our society. It does not matter your background, if you receive a college or trade skill education you can choose what type of life you want to live. I firmly believe in this statement and it was something that my parents instilled in me from early childhood. This blog is a great resource for information on writing program objectives, writing learning objectives that meet demanding behavioral criteria, and writing student learning outcomes.I plan to revisit this blog for future ideas on planning my objectives for future programs.
Business, the Future and Emerging Technology: This blog was created by Lee Robinson Petzer. Lee is the executive director of GCSChile, a management consultant, entrepreneur, open networker, analyst, MENSAN, Transhumanist, space proponent and future astronaut. Although I found his introduction of himself amusing, Lee’s blog provides six emerging technologies in education which were very informative. He touches on Cloud Computing which has emerged as a tool that is helping students and educators collaborate online, the use of IPhones to gather and track information, experimentation through educational gaming for exploration, the use of learning analytics to help educators design systems and approaches to better measure student outcomes, and PLE or Personal Learning Environments. These environments will be individualized by design thus different from person to person. I will check back with this blog as I look to implement more technology into my classroom and online classes. 

The Knowledge Star Blog- This blog although it does not have any profile information on the exact blogger, contains a great link to Jane Harts top 100 learning tools of 2011. The blogger feels that Jan Hart is a great “go to” resource for all things learning. In 2011 531 learning professionals from around the world contributed their ideas for the top 100 tools for learning in 2011. This list was compiled and put into a Slideshare application. The top 100 starts with Twitter and has a plethora of learning tools in between such as drop box, Google docs, Moodle, Jing etc., and ends with OneNote. I plan to look through the Slideshare presentation and integrate some of this new technology into my own methods of teaching online

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